Welcome to HydroFigure

This site has nature photographs on irreplaceable sphere the Earth,
which were taken on the unified theme "water"

Water not only changes into various substances to give all living things lives
but also have an important role as a medium to link lives to lives.

I named this site "HydroFigure" hoping to include such concepts.

It will be my most pleasure if you could enjoy visiting on my web site.
Also will be my great pleasure if you would want to feel
some signs of the next season or some lingering of the previous season
and would want to take a walk to find them.

Last day,I took pictures of tiny dandelion for this site.
The first dandelion in a long time made me feel both new wonder of life
which is different from in my childhood and nostalgia for my good old days.

I hope we will share this indescribable feeling together...